Womb healing

The collective feminine energy has been denied, suppressed and abused for centuries, but now it is time to heal our wombs and women’s lineage. We heal this for ourselves, our grandmother, mothers, sisters, daughters, the collective and mother earth.

The womb is your sacred space. It is the place of creation and birth of life, your feminine power center.
We often consciously and/or unconsciously carry fear, pain, abuse, oppression and sadness with us. These may be injuries from our female line, from another life or injuries sustained in this life as a result of which our feminine power has been largely lost.

“The womb is not a place to store fear or pain. The womb is to create and give birth to life.”

Do you feel it is time to heal your womb and woman’s line? To let go of trauma that no longer serves you in order to be able to create and manifest from there? Do you want to regain balance and get in touch with your soft, feminine power? With love I take you with my voice and drum on a journey to your womb. Let me take you into the womb!

The womb healing is suitable for all women, young, old, with or without a womb. It is also very suitable for women who experience problems in the womb and pelvic area and with sexuality.



🕑 ± 120 min
