Are you also on a journey of self-discovery? Are you in a process (of awakening) or do you have long-term complaints and feel the need to reconnect more with your true, natural self? At Chiwanka, a private session / healing on request is possible to guide you on your unique path of healing, awareness, inner growth and development.
All individual sessions will be given by Eagle Eye in the yurt. She lovingly walks along with you on your special journey and will support you in your healing process. Eagle Eye works completely intuitively and tunes in to you. She works energetically with her hands (Healing), works with drum/sound (Soundhealing), her Light language, Rebirthing breathwork and Reincarnation/regression sessions. It is just what you feel and need at the moment in your life/process.
Eagle Eye has many years of experience with energetic and shamanic work. As a teenage girl she already visited spiritual centres and mediums and knew that there was more between heaven and earth. Her real awakening process has started in 2013 and since then she has walked a long way on her path of spirituality, awareness, healing and growth. Through multiple training sessions/educations, many healings, transcendental journeys, breathwork, kundalini activations, regression/reincarnation, warm water rebirthing and plant medicine journeys (Ayahuasca and San Pedro) she has come to where she is now. In the role of Shaman, Lightworker and Spaceholder from light and love and her own experiences, she guides people in their processes and on their special soul path.
Price: € 120,- to € 150,- for 90 – 120 minutes.
Duo and group sessions can also be booked on request. Think of Soundhealing or Rebirthing breathwork in combination with drum/sound and energetic laying on of hands.
It is also possible to stay with us for several days and do multiple sessions.
Please contact us if you are interested.