A healing is an energetic treatment, it allows the chi or life energy to flow through your body again through my hands. A healing stimulates the body’s self-healing capacity, removes any blockages, provides insights and increases awareness. This treatment works on both your body and the deeper, emotional layers. Through a healing you are invited to reconnect with yourself, to feel and experience what is stored within you and what you (no longer) need.
The healing starts with a conversation. This way I can get a good idea of what you are facing in your life/process.
An intention is then set for the treatment.
The treatment itself consists of energetic laying on of hands, among other things, the chakras, your energy centers, often in combination with sound and vibration. My high sensitivity and intuition will guide my treatments and I will feel exactly what you need. Treatment is performed on the treatment table and over clothing.
Afterwards, we will discuss how you experienced the healing and conclude it together.
🕑 ± 120 min