
In this beautiful Rebirthing Breathwork session you can make a powerful, but also gentle healing journey within yourself through your breathing. By applying this calm breathing technique, connected breathing, you quickly reach a higher state of consciousness.

The extra oxygen in your body helps you to permanently let go of negative experiences (traumas), limiting life patterns and beliefs stored in your cells / system (subconscious).

Memories, blockages and toxins are given the space to be released, allowing inner peace, harmony and joy to return to your life. This gives a feeling of renewal and rebirth.

A breathing session brings a deep, spiritual experience that is extremely powerful and healing.

In short, oxygen can heal your life!

In this breathing session we work purposefully. We discuss the theme and your intention for the session together in advance, after which I will guide you in breathing using my drum.

During the session you will lie comfortably on a mattress on the floor, warmly covered with a blanket. I will sit next to you to lovingly support you in this session. Multiple instruments and my healing light language will be used.

Afterwards, we will discuss how you experienced the breathing session and conclude it together.

Contra indications for a breathing session are: heart problems, high blood pressure, serious mental illness, epilepsy and glaucoma. If in doubt, always contact us.



🕑 ± 120 min
